Solent Infant School
Welcome to Year R
Welcome to the Year R Home Page



Welcome back! We hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas and we wish you all a very Happy New Year.

This term will see the children building upon the foundations that they have established since joining us in September. Our theme for the half term is ‘Explorers’. This exciting topic will enable us to engage with lots of wonderful opportunities to explore the world around us and our wider world. You will be able to find the Year R curriculum overview on our school website. This details all of the enhanced learning opportunities that we have coming up.


Home Learning

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support with home learning. It makes such a big difference to your child and makes a huge impact on their independence in school. You will be able to find a copy of our suggested home learning activities on Tapestry, as a memo. These are updated weekly and directly link to the skills that we have been learning in class.


Each week, your child will continue to read a Little Wandle book three times in school. This will then be sent home on a Friday, so that you can share the same book again three times at home. This text is perfectly matched to your child’s reading ability and frequent reading practice with this text will ensure your child becomes a fluent reader. Your child will also bring home a ‘Read with Me’ library book to share together for pleasure. We would strongly encourage you to also continue to read your own stories to your child and we enjoy hearing what bedtime stories they relish at home.


Year R PE Day

Our PE Days are on Tuesday and Thursdays. Please ensure that long hair is tied back and earrings are either removed or covered over on these days. Just to remind you, PE kit is black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms and their royal blue Solent Schools t-shirt. On colder days, your child can wear their school jumper or cardigan with their PE kit.



Now that your child has been with us for a whole term, we will be encouraging them to become even more independent. Until now, a member of the class team has been checking your child’s book bag to ensure that all of their things have made it to the correct place. We will now be asking them to ensure that all of the things in their bags are put into the correct place as they come into school in the morning. Please give them a gentle reminder of this, should you be sending any letters into school via their book bag.


Thank you

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support as we move forwards into the Spring Term. We look forward to our continued partnership with you this year and cannot wait to see all your wonderful uploads to Tapestry of your child’s learning at home.


The Reception Team