Solent Infant School
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 Home Page

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Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome to Year 2 and the start of the Autumn term. We are all really looking forward to an enjoyable year.

Curriculum Coverage
This half term our theme is ‘Ahoy There’ (Geography) and the second half term it will be ’Time Travellers’ (History).
Please see our curriculum coverage on the school website within Year 2.

Who’s Who in Year 2
The Dolphin Class: 2B…. Mrs Bell (nee Earl) and Mrs Mason
The Seal Class: 2R… Miss Ramshaw, Mrs Collings and Miss Hicks
The Stingray Class: 2M… Miss Morris, Mrs White and Miss Reid

We hope that your child will enjoy their time in Year 2. In line with our school values, our priorities are to develop the children’s independence, resilience and attitude towards work. So therefore, the children will be working at a faster pace and be expected to use their initiative.

Homework and Spellings
The Homework routine will follow the same pattern as Year 1. It will be weekly via your child’s Microsoft Teams page. Your child has a week to complete their homework. It will be set on a Friday and will need to be ‘turned in’ the following Thursday by 5pm.
Year 2 spellings will also be on the same PDF sheet as homework. Learning the spellings will consolidate the learning of spellings in school. There will be no formal spelling test but the expectation is that we will see them spelt correctly in work books.


Please, please, please…
could you label everything that your child brings to school. It is almost impossible to tell one jumper from another! Please could we ask that your child uses a sports top plastic bottle rather than a metal one.


Thank you for your support,

The Year 2 Teaching Team.