Solent Infant School
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 Home Page

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Welcome to the first half of the summer term. Our learning theme for this half term is, ‘Our Growing World’ and for the second half of the summer term it will be, ‘Predators’.

Please see the Year 2 section of our school website for the curriculum overview and knowledge organiser.

Just a few reminders…

Monday and Tuesday will continue to be our PE days and the children should come to school dressed in their PE kit and earrings are covered over or removed. Please ensure that any sun hats are named.

Library books are collected in on a Thursday (2MA on Friday) and your child is able to choose a new library book on a Friday.

In the month of May, the children will be completing Key Stage One Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). There will be a test in reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar and maths and a formal paper is completed. Writing is assessed by teacher assessment and not a formal test paper. The teaching staff do not call them SATs or tests instead they are part of our everyday teaching.



Thank you for your continued support with homework tasks set via Microsoft Teams. We will continue to set weekly homework and spellings via Teams on a Friday, to be completed by 5pm, the following Thursday.

Please do keep reading with your child as much as possible, whether it be a comic, information book, story book or even the shopping list! In Year 2, our discussion focuses on sequencing the events of the book, understanding vocabulary and inference as well as fluency and expression.

Thank you for all of your continued support,


With Best Wishes,


Mrs Ray, Mrs McQuilken, Mr. Mason and Miss Morris

Mrs Marshall, Mrs Wademan, Mrs Churchill, Mrs Loy, Mrs White and Mrs Kritzinger  

The Year 2 Teaching Team