Solent Infant School
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to the Year 2 Home Page

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Our new learning theme for Spring is Castles and Dragons and Spring II is Habitat Havens.

Our curriculum overview for Spring I and knowledge organiser can be found HERE

Just a few reminders…

Please could all hats, gloves and scarves have your child’s name in them.

The end of Key Stage One SATS will take place in May.


Thank you to the children who complete their weekly homework.

It is noticeable that children who regularly carry out homework tasks are transferring their knowledge to their class work. We will continue to set homework on a Friday, to be completed by 5pm, the following Thursday.


Please keep reading with your child as much as possible, whether it be a comic, information book, story book or annual. Your child also has a school book and library book that is sent home weekly.


With Best Wishes,


Mrs Bell, Miss Morris and Miss Ramshaw

Mrs Collings, Mrs Mason, Mrs Morris, Miss Reid, Mrs White

The Year 2 Teaching Team