Solent Infant School
Welcome to Year 1
Welcome to the Year 1 Home Page

  Microsoft TEAMS login here Big Cat login here  


We hope you and your family had a good Easter break and enjoyed your time together.

Our learning theme for the first half of this term is ‘Potty About Plants’ and a curriculum overview and knowledge organiser can be viewed on our website.

During this term, we will continue to send home spellings and homework via Microsoft Teams. Your support in practising these skills at home is invaluable and evident in the children’s class work. A very big ‘thank you!’

Next half term, in Summer ii, Year 1 pupils will be taking part in the Phonics Screening Check. There is a parent information meeting this half term (Summer i) to find out more information, but regular reading of their school Big Cats book, will help to support them.

P.E. continues on Wednesdays and Fridays for year 1 children.

Please could we remind you that for health and safety reasons, long hair should be tied back and earrings removed or taped over.

Hopefully, the warmer weather will soon be here so, with this in mind, could we please request that all sun hats and other items of summer clothing are named. Throughout the summer, please ensure children bring in their water bottles every day as they will be encouraged to drink after playtimes and lunchtimes.


Thank you, as ever, for your continuing support.

Mrs Cryer, Miss Earl and Miss Garland