Solent Infant School

At Solent Infant School, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), helps every child to develop their moral and social conscience, navigating the wider world.

PSHE is vital in the short term as it teaches children about themselves, others and their importance in the community both locally and globally. In the long term, it teaches children how to be healthy and happy adults, successful in relationships and responsible, resilient citizens.

We explicitly teach about health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. PSHE can be delivered through weekly lessons, circle times, focused school weeks, national focused days/weeks, visitors or bespoke class discussions. The bespoke discussions can be linked to personal experiences within the class. School and Year Group assemblies address relevant aspects of the PSHE curriculum shining a spotlight on our six school values of:

Respect, Responsibility, Friendship, Teamwork, Aspiration and Perseverance.

PSHE is interwoven throughout the school curriculum and extends to our Pupil Voice through the Student Council and Eco-Warriors. This gives the children a platform to discuss and share ideas with their class, replicating the democracy that we live in.

By the end of Year 2, we want to have a child who:

• is empowered to make the right decisions in terms of expressing their feelings by using the correct vocabulary
• makes the correct behaviour choices, being accountable for their own behaviour
• understands there are consequences for actions
• can move on from conflicts
• is responsible about making healthy choices and keeping themselves clean and safe
• can create and maintain positive, healthy relationships
• makes links between their PSHE lessons and how it relates to the wider world
• knows what to do if they are feeling unhappy, unsafe or threatened
• is understanding and tolerant of others by showing mutual respect